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Orion Project - Server Files


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Showing content with the highest reputation since 02/16/18 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Hello, dear customers I'm back. Sorry for this very late update. I had really busy year - jobs, education and family stuff did not give me enough time for this. I promise to be more active this year and to add an update each month at least. I can assure that this project never be forgotten or abandoned. I was available to answer to all your questions on website and on all other contacts. Stay tuned for all upcoming updates and news. CORRECTIONS UPDATED - Drop and Spoil info on shift+doube click. From now on it's attached to server rates. CORRECTED - Attack/Autoattack on PVP mode. (one click - one hit, autoattack on pvp is removed [Like L2OFF]). Possible turn it off/on. ADDED - Minions for monster "Talakin" near Partisan's Hideaway (Like L2OFF). CORRECTED - Some wrong spawns in the area Valley of Saints. CORRECTED - Level limit for quest β€žWatching Eyesβ€œ (Like L2OFF). ADDONS ADDED - The Squash event. ADDED- Bots engine with newbie, farm, walker and pvp bots. Possible give them clan with crest. Xml and ini files for full editing. ADDED - New commands for admin: //loc, //loc2, //loc3 and //loc4. It saves different types of location to file: game/AdminLocLog.txt. This gonna make faster creation of zone drawing etc. UPDATED - Tournament event: ADDED - Fight for 1x1. CHANGED - The event to auto event by time in config file eventmanager.ini. ADDED - Additional configs: name, description, location, auto spawn npc and event time. ADDED - PvP bots for zone. UPDATED - PvP Random zone: ADDED - Additional configs: Hide player info and give fake name. ADDED - New instance system for zones which means only players in same zone will be available to see you and nothing else. Also, you won't see any other npc, mob or player. ADDED - Possibility add any npc to new instance. It can be mob or npc. Add this for each npc: <npc id="21420" loc="142595,-107296,-3456;20"/> (loc means: x,y,z,respawn time) to every zone in zone/RamdomZone.xml UPDATED - DressMe: ADDED - A new config for dressme command. OPTIMIZATION IMPROVED - Performance and stability. IMPROVED - Server pack secure against exploits and some cheats. BUG FIXES FIXED - Target issue with get Quest from NPC β€žEye of Argosβ€œ (Range from Player to NPC).
  2. 3 points
    UPDATED - mobs AI knownlist system. Some mobs which have faction ID (clan) need a faster reaction to help each other. Now they have it. UPDATED - powerpack system and re-worked global gk, gm shop and buffer. Since this made, from gmshop, gatekeeper and buffer folders htm files are using same for NPC and player commands. Also, possible use in community board. Added a new global gk. Available menus: All towns + noble menu, catacombs, necropolises, teleportation to cursed weapon for special item, teleportation to any zone for special item or just only for premium accounts. UPDATED - Buffer menu and added possibility remove buff one by one. UPDATED - Class balance system and added classes balance control by second class (damages - to/by fighters and mages). 3rd class was before. ADDED - A new command: .bank and also, possible use like additional selection in any menu. All configs inside powerpack.ini: # Bank system # Command: .bank BankSystem = True DepositItemId = 3470 WithdrawItemId = 57 WithdrawItemCount = 500000000
  3. 2 points
    Hi there ! recently me and my friend were working on environment for a client and i choose Cruma Tower as the base reference checkout my result ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b06Y0LMCGTs
  4. 2 points
    Bug fixes FIXED - Treasure Chest's movement bug. FIXED - Quest: Path To Scavenger issue. FIXED - Quest: Magical Power Of Water Part 2 issue. FIXED - Over Hit issue. FIXED - Town War Event peaceful zone issue. Optimization REWORKED - Quest engine and fixed some small issue by L2Off info. Corrections CORRECTED - Simple and spoiled monster decay time by L2Off. Addons ADDED - New player's command: .dressme ADDED - A new option to config: ShowNpcCrest = True/False, only in towns if castle has a lord. ADDED - A new option to config: SiegeDelay = 14, Siege Delay by default is 14 days (2 weeks) like L2off.
  5. 2 points
    AI - Re-worked castle siege guards AI system. Old system had lots issues and made a lag for players in the some castles.
  6. 2 points
    Development of gm shop along with .shop I'm working on a new html for the npcs custom server, I deposited it will end up available here in the forum.
  7. 2 points
    Geo-engine: - Re-worked character movement in the water. Fixed falling damage and hard dipping. This issue worked mostly in catacomb or necropolis when character moves in/out, because of geo-data. - Updated synchronization system between client<->server. - Updated character update position system. - Updated geo-engine system.
  8. 1 point
    From what i saw i think there is a bug with Premium status datetime inside the menu popup, it needs some improvements some checking...
  9. 1 point
    View File L2jOrion Server Files Updates (Changeset 25 | Revision 750) Hello, dear customers I'm back. Sorry for this very late update. I had really busy year - jobs, education and family stuff did not give me enough time for this. I promise to be more active this year and to add an update each month at least. I can assure that this project never be forgotten or abandoned. I was available to answer to all your questions on website and on all other contacts. Stay tuned for all upcoming updates and news. CORRECTIONS UPDATED - Drop and Spoil info on shift+doube click. From now on it's attached to server rates. CORRECTED - Attack/Autoattack on PVP mode. (one click - one hit, autoattack on pvp is removed [Like L2OFF]). Possible turn it off/on. ADDED - Minions for monster "Talakin" near Partisan's Hideaway (Like L2OFF). CORRECTED - Some wrong spawns in the area Valley of Saints. CORRECTED - Level limit for quest β€žWatching Eyesβ€œ (Like L2OFF). ADDONS ADDED - The Squash event. ADDED- Bots engine with newbie, farm, walker and pvp bots. Possible give them clan with crest. Xml and ini files for full editing. ADDED - New commands for admin: //loc, //loc2, //loc3 and //loc4. It saves different types of location to file: game/AdminLocLog.txt. This gonna make faster creation of zone drawing etc. UPDATED - Tournament event: ADDED - Fight for 1x1. CHANGED - The event to auto event by time in config file eventmanager.ini. ADDED - Additional configs: name, description, location, auto spawn npc and event time. ADDED - PvP bots for zone. UPDATED - PvP Random zone: ADDED - Additional configs: Hide player info and give fake name. ADDED - New instance system for zones which means only players in same zone will be available to see you and nothing else. Also, you won't see any other npc, mob or player. ADDED - Possibility add any npc to new instance. It can be mob or npc. Add this for each npc: <npc id="21420" loc="142595,-107296,-3456;20"/> (loc means: x,y,z,respawn time) to every zone in zone/RamdomZone.xml UPDATED - DressMe: ADDED - A new config for dressme command. OPTIMIZATION IMPROVED - Performance and stability. IMPROVED - Server pack secure against exploits and some cheats. BUG FIXES FIXED - Target issue with get Quest from NPC β€žEye of Argosβ€œ (Range from Player to NPC). Submitter Vilmis Submitted 01/11/22 Category Server Pack Updates  
  10. 1 point
    You're welcome. Yes, your server will be running without a real member status, because it's like privilege/status for access and support. About update: We don't have a tutorial or some kind of guide. You just need to be following by ReadMe.txt files inside an update file, everything else copy-paste by the folders. If you need any help just contact us.
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    Corrections CORRECTED - Skills using on attack (Like L2OFF). CORRECTED - Buffer, gatekeeper and shop. From now on all of them work in Community Board without issues. CORRECTED - Player's command /unstuck (Like L2OFF). RE-WORKED - Npc instances (Like L2OFF). RE-WORKED - Attacking system (Like L2OFF). CORRECTED - Attacking by Bow (Like L2OFF) . CORRECTED - Character movement (in water too, especially going to Catacomb or Necropolis and out). CORRECTED - 7Signs teleports and moved from core side to database. Also, fixed exploit. CORRECTED - Pets Food and movement Run/Walk. CORRECTED - NPC Gremory height. CORRECTED - Spawn after Teleport: Rune Castle Town Guild and Spawn after Teleport: Rune Castle Town Temple. CORRECTED - Problem with spawn 2 Core Minions near Cruma Marshlands. CORRECTED - Boss Core minions number. CORRECTED - Imperial Gravekeeper and Imperial Slave (Cemetery) count and changed faction range. CORRECTED - 503_PursuitClanAmbition quest. CORRECTED - RB Spawn Location: Sejarr's Servitor. CORRECTED - Broken mobs spawn in Swamp of Screams. CORRECTED - Location of one broken spawn Ant Larva near Wasteland. IMPROVED - Geodata near Swamp of Screams region. REMOVED - Buffs inside nests on Swamp Of Scream, replaced it by Debuffs Poison and Decrease P.Def (Like L2OFF). REMOVED - Tanor Canyon Fast Spot (Too much mobs in one place). CORRECTED - Broken spawns in Ivory Tower Crater. CORRECTED - A few wrong spawns on Valley Of Saints. CORRECTED - Varka Silenos Hunter atk.spd. CORRECTED - Wrong Used Pet Item Name in Chat Log. CORRECTED - Raid Boss Skill: Cancel Magic - Increased chance for success and changed type from One Target to Target Aura. CORRECTED - Random PvP Zone system and from now on you won't be available see any other creatures outside/inside zone except players (enemies) inside zone. Zones were moved to new instance. CORRECTED - Seven Sign: teleport places and prices (Like L2OFF). CORRECTED - Spawns on Dragon Valley Entrance. Addons ADDED - Item protection in the warehouse for depositing. From now on the system will check how many maximum item allowed to deposit. ADDED - Encoding/Decoding system for htm/html files. No more exploits with external files. ADDED - New DressMe system for weapon, armor set, hair and face. Also, shows the skin in character selection window and stays after character restart/offline. ADDED - 1 missing stat for Sin eater pet. ADDED - Missing Minions: Frenzy Stakato Soldier and Frenzy Stakato Drone for Monsters: Splinter Stakato Drone and Needle Stakato Drone. ADDED - Request: Cursed Weapon teleport price and item id https://www.l2jorion.com/index.php?/topic/239-ability-to-change-the-cursed-teleport-price/ ADDED - Request: The New Exclude function for account without premium status https://www.l2jorion.com/index.php?/topic/240-ability-to-deactivate-voice-commands-for-no-premium-users/ ADDED - Request: Updated Captcha Punishment system https://www.l2jorion.com/index.php?/topic/235-new-antibo-captcha/ Optimization UPDATED - Effects saving system on character/server disconnection. Also, character won't loss his buffs. UPDATED - Sync system between server and client. UPDATED - mmocore.ini -> ClientFloodProtection config and from now on possible turn it off fully. Just in case if you got some kind of issues with this protection. UPDATED - A lof of old code that had a bad performance and changed to new one like characters AI system, movements, attacking and casting behavior. Also, added next, save action system and new intention system. Bug fixes FIXED - Clan's level up achievement issue. FIXED - Treasure Chest's movement bug. FIXED - Skill: Provoke. It won't work on Guards (Like L2OFF). FIXED - Premium account buffs time. FIXED - Buying of clan reputation bug. If you haven't the right level of clan the donate coin was taken anyway.
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    Turn off //invul or buff protection from .menu
  16. 1 point
    ADDED - New Olympiad engine. CORRECTED - All skills which have a type: SPOIL. Now it works like L2 official. RE-WORKED - All AI types for better working/performance. UPDATED - Doors engine and fixed some small mistakes. UPDATED - Geo-engine and improved working/performance. RE-WORKED - Unnecessary code clean up, some old code corrections and whole code re-format for better working/performance.
  17. 1 point
    Orion Server Pack - supports all Lineage 2 Interlude official features and has many own additional unique features. Just a few mentioned below for now and I will update it later. Also, any feature can be turned off inside server pack config. All quests fully working and updated by Lineage 2 Interlude official information. Everything can be checked in test server with full npcs and special commands for testers. Events Team vs Team (Possible add more than 2 teams) Deathmatch Capture the Flag Tournament Special NPCS Buffer - Possible use like simple or mixed mode with schemes (save/load). Buffs for pets and players. Cancellation of buffs can be one by one or all at once. Also, buffer has a heal function, premium buffs, auto buff lists (fighter/mage), and buffs for special item. Available special command for player and add to Community Board too. Global gatekeeper - player can use simple, premium and for special item teleports. Available special command for player and add to Community Board too. Also, possible to change the time of gk animation. GM Shop - it has special donate item and special functions for donators like: no karma, clan functions, premium time, name/tile colors and etc. Available special command for player and add to Community Board too. Marketer - It's selling/buying system where player can add any item for special item (unlimited currency) and also possible add enchanted or augmented items. Available special command for player and add to Community Board too. Class Manager - Can be like npc or pop up menu. Possible add price or reward for class, pets upgrade. Special command available. Wedding Manager. Achievement Manager. Tournament Manager. Geo-Engine Added newest geo-engine which works like Lineage 2 official. Special Player Commands .menu - Additional player functions in one place: exp on/off, title with pvp/pk (live update), block buffs, auto pick up on/off, trade on/off, private messages on/off, screen text pop up like critical, damage and etc on/off, falling to textures auto correction, change password, repair character and auto potions (working with all potions). .boss - Simple and epic bosses in one place. Possible see alive status, dead time, boss lvl and clicked on boss name you can get location to the boss. .votereward - Vote system for reward . Added Topzone, Hopzone, L2network and L2jBrasil). .bank - Adena and your chosen item exchanger. .sub - All sub-classes in one place. .sellbuffs, cancelsellbuffs - Possible sell your own buffs. .dressme - skins system. .classs - opens class manager menu. .buff - opens buffs menu (same as npc). .shop - opens shop menu (same as npc). .gk - opens global gatekeeper menu (same as npc). .market - opens marketer menu (same as npc). .farm - auto farm feaature. Can't find what you're looking for? Ask us to add it. Discord - v_i_l_m_i_s Email - support@l2jorion.com Or use LIVE support CHAT. Server Configs folder to see more features Download: Server configs Zone Manager Download: Zone manager ATTENTTION! More features you can to see visually in the our test server: Download: System.zip
  18. 1 point
    ADDED - Custom config for market . From now on you can add any item like a currency (unlimited). ADDED - Premium buff time multiplier. ADDED - Random enchanted items to drop list. Possible add enchanted items with min and max options. CORRECTED - Walking speed. Some creatures had wrong speed. (Based on Lineage 2 Interlude Official information) CORRECTED - All pets skills, some of them were generating aggro what is wrong. (Based on Lineage 2 Interlude Official information) CORRECTED - Skill: Break Duress, it must remove effect of Root, not only Slow. (Based on Lineage 2 Interlude Official information) CORRECTED - Skills: Noblesse Blessing and Salvation. They can not work together. (Based on Lineage 2 Interlude Official information) REWORKED - Buylist system. and fixed some small issues. FIXED - Devastated Castle issue https://www.l2jorion.com/index.php?/topic/79-devasted-casle-bug-with-buylist/ FIXED - Castle's doors bug. All doors must be attackable for all players on the siege progress and not only for castle's attackers. (Based on Lineage 2 Interlude Official information) FIXED - Pet's bug. If pet gets a stun he doesn't come back to owner when stun is gone. Now it comes back. FIXED - From now on all pets can get herbs and if player has summoned the pet the time of herbs is dividing. (Based on Lineage 2 Interlude Official information) FIXED - Soul Crystals levelling up. Before it did not work correctly and now it works like L2OFF. FIXED - Skill: EarthQuake. It did not work in the Olympiad before the match. Now works. FIXED - Alliance ketra/varka quest. It shouldn't remove an alliance level on quest abortion. ADDED - A new geo-data to some regions to fix some issues. (https://www.l2jorion.com/index.php?/files/file/9-geodata/) CORRECTED - SP and EXP, some creatures had wrong SP and EXP numbers. (Based on Lineage 2 Interlude Official information) CORRECTED - SKill: Corpse Burst. Before skill's explosion didn't do a damage for creatures around and now it does. CORRECTED - SKill: Frost Bolt. Before it worked like a de-buff, but also it must does a damage for target. (Based on Lineage 2 Interlude Official information) RE-WORKED - Resurrection system and fixed 2 bugs on siege. 1. If attacker clan has a siege flag - they can use a resurrection for a clan members. 2. If defender clan has a control crystal - they can use a resurrection for clan members. (Based on Lineage 2 Interlude Official information) RE-WORKED - All grand bosses instances and fixed some small issues. (Based on Lineage 2 Interlude Official information) RE-WORKED - The Raid Boss: Ice Fairy Sirra. (Based on Lineage 2 Interlude Official information) ADDED - A new config for special teleport. From now on you can to choose which item you want to use for teleportation (Config inside PowerPack.ini). Also, you need to change a text inside htm file β€žgotoβ€œ -> β€žcustom_gotoβ€œ. ADDED - A new config to Premium Account System for Seal stones rates. RE-WORKED - All core platform and increased performance. Faster loading and less CPU usage.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    FIXED - Some FOG mobs which had wrong locations on random spawn after kill. UPDATED - Seven Sings teleport locations to the hunting zones which haven't correct locations. UPDATED - knownlist system and improved performance. Also, decreased CPU usage.
  21. 1 point
    ADDED: a premium account teleport system. Just change one word β€ž...goto..β€œ to β€ž...premium_goto...β€œfor example: β€žbypass -h custom_dotele premium_goto 2503β€œ. CORRECTED: character movement issues on attack mode. ATTENTION! HERE IS OLD UPDATES WHICH YOU MUST TO SEE:
  22. 1 point
    Boats system - Re-worked entire system and fixed characters movement to in/out the boat. Added all L2OFF system messages, routes and etc. Totally re-worked from core side with L2BoatAI, L2Vehicle, vehicle stats and fully updated client/server packets (For now to test it is available only in TEST server)
  23. 1 point
    Misc - Class Master updates: added lvl checking on the class change and heal's config., - Geo-engine: a little more corrections for better performance., - Fixed a bug report: (Server w/o Auto Learn skill) For Example: If you have toggle Skill LvL1 in USE, and learn LvL2, then you cant shut down Skill (and still is use lvl1) Only RR help.
  24. 1 point
    Multisell is not missing, it's just because those multisells have items which are not in your database.Delete these files and problem solved.
  25. 1 point
    Misc: Some imports corrections by L2OFF information. Our priority is L2OFF and all updates are doing by this info except some modifications which possible easy turn off. Added a new test server system 1.05 which is closer to L2OFF and it doesn't have modifications from the newer l2 clients. Please report all bugs/mistakes and other issues here: https://www.l2jorion.com/index.php?/forum/10-bugs/
