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  3. @brahian153 hola me encanta esto, lamentablemente no logro configurarla para usarlo en mi servidor, me darias una mano a instalarla ? o un tutorial en youtube? saludos
  4. i need help to instal this mate can you please support me ?
  5. Nakos

    Classic Client

    Nr 1 sounds great !
  6. 477497

    Classic Client

    Great arrangement. Looking forward to it.
  7. Vilmis

    Classic Client

    So far I got 2 ideas: 1. Classic-Interlude which would be same as Interlude but with new updated game client and all Orion's features. 2. Continue the work on H5 paid files.
  8. Nakos

    Classic Client

    Any push was done towards classic client ?
  9. People with illegal server pack are not welcome here. Also, only one thing what they can get here is BAN.
  10. Have you purchased documents? If you are using pirated files, you can only solve it yourself. If it is genuine files, you will get full support from Vilmis.
  11. Tell me discord and Skype Vilmis. Ty
  12. You can send the problem to Vilmis via skype to solve it for you Or post your question in the discord community, other friends may be able to help you.
  13. hello good evening I have this problem, I really don't know what I can do, can someone give me a solution? Thank you very much, I hope for your favorable response.
  14. Vilmis


    Sveiki, Taip, lietuviai. Jei turite daugiau klausimų - galite tiesiog paraőyti privačiai.
  15. litraBolas


    Labs diena lietuvei ce uzsijeme su situ paku?
  16. 477497

    Summon Item

    you are welcome here
  17. Vilmis

    Summon Item

    That's the point - we don't have a free version. It's paid server pack.
  18. jOeN1704

    Summon Item

    @Vilmis I do not use any free version downloaded from another forum, but I want to buy the real member and download a free version from you
  19. Vilmis

    Summon Item

    Hello, Yes, it's possible, but once again - we can't help people who use an illegal version of our server pack files. I can to offer the ban only.
  20. jOeN1704

    Summon Item

    Hello, good day, I want to know if an item could be created that would give you adena. Example: Adena Apiga (1) opening this item gives you 10,000,000 adena
  21. Nakos

    Classic Client

    AdvExt drive IL on HF files and other drives on Gracia Final, just pick versios which U like, seems IL The Best Version of l2 ever made....
  22. 477497

    Classic Client

    yes The decision is you
  23. Nakos

    Classic Client

    Just pick anything you like, they all good but.... You can adapt the best version just pick the best version to your pack. And can u adapt more payment metods for service like card payment incognito snd stuff? ?
  24. Vilmis

    Classic Client

    Maybe you did not know it, but β€žClassicβ€œ has a few different versions like starting from 1.5 Zaken to 3.0 The Kamael. So, which one of them is this?
  25. 477497

    Classic Client

    @Nakos HighFive?
  26. Nakos

    Classic Client

    This one seems most popular version.
  27. Vilmis

    Classic Client

    Hello, I have this an idea to start working with some kind of classic client, but I did not decide which version I should use for. Any suggest?
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