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Vilmis last won the day on November 23 2024

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537 Excellent

About Vilmis

  • Birthday 01/26/1991

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  1. Hello, First for all, you need to update the server pack. Your server is running on outdated version. Also, it's your custom INTERFACE fault.
  2. Vilmis

    L2 server

    This question is not related to L2 servers. You should ask the game client developers who make modifications of these files. Ofc it needs some special software, but yes, it's possible if you have the right software. Unless you meant something else?
  3. Version 1.0.32


    If you purchased the server pack before you can get the source code cheaper as much as you paid for the server pack - contact us. If you purchased the source code before and want to update it to latest version - contact us. UPDATES: https://www.l2jorion.com/index.php?/forum/21-updates/

    199.99 GBP

  4. View File L2jOrion Server Files Update (Changeset 32 | Revision 1123) All information about (Changeset #32 | Revision #1123): https://www.l2jorion.com/index.php?/topic/412-changeset-32-revision-1123/ DataPack commits / changes for this changeset: https://orionproject.assembla.com/spaces/OrionProject/subversion/commits/20 *** if you don't know how to use it or have any question - contact us. Let me know if you find any mistake. Thank you! Submitter Vilmis Submitted 11/12/24 Category Server Pack Updates  
  5. Version 1.0.32


    All information about (Changeset #32 | Revision #1123): https://www.l2jorion.com/index.php?/topic/412-changeset-32-revision-1123/ DataPack commits / changes for this changeset: https://orionproject.assembla.com/spaces/OrionProject/subversion/commits/20 *** if you don't know how to use it or have any question - contact us. Let me know if you find any mistake. Thank you!


  6. BUGS / CORRECTIONS FIXED - Sealed Evil Power Sailren Droplist. FIXED - Some armors stats (Like L2OFF). FIXED - Shield blocks system (Like L2OFF). FIXED - Trained Buffalo and all other similar pets. They got stuck at town after soe/unstuck. FIXED - Changed Red Gem, Spirit Bead item type to β€žQuest Itemβ€œ (Like L2OFF). FIXED - Shadow Item Exchange Coupon: C Grade, has been removed from all second class change quests at level 39 (Like L2OFF). FIXED - Missing monster Enchanted Spine Golem near Eastern Mining Zone has been added. FIXED - The spawns nearby Forgotten Temple zone. FIXED - Removed wrong mobs/chests around Forgotten Temple. FIXED - The spawns nearby Beehive zone. FIXED - Added minions Wasp Worker (1-3) for Monster Wasp Leader. FIXED - Garden of Eva Doors: Time for Open/Close/Random (Like L2OFF). FIXED - Removed double category drop from Flamestone Giant. FIXED - Changed spawn for RB Icarus Sample 1 (just a little moved). FIXED - Added missing monsters nearby Abandoned Camp. FIXED - Quantity of minions for Messenger Of Fairy Queen Berun (Like L2OFF). FIXED - The price of teleports in Priest of Dust and Priest of Dawn NPCs (Like L2OFF). FIXED - Added minions Orc Escort (5-5) for Monster Baranka's Messenger. FIXED - Selling buffs system's title loss on disconnection/exit. FIXED - Offline craft/sell/buy nickname color loss on disconnection/exit. FIXED - If pet attacks the monster alone and dies then pet's owner is NOT being attacked by same monster or monster's clan/faction group (if they are around). Now pet's owner gets attack. FIXED - Miscalculation of damage for mages without weapon and bss. FIXED - Self buffs of monsters. They was using too often when they are NOT in combat. FIXED - Skill chance formulas. It's a bit more advanced formula that should balance the chance of skills closer to L2OFF/Retail. Also, now all debuff chances are lower than before. FIXED - Baby pets did not take away 10% exp of owner. Now they do (Like L2OFF). FIXED - Life Cubic: Heal Probability HP above 60%: 13% HP 30-60%: 33% HP below 30%: 53% Reuse Delay: 10 (Like L2OFF). FIXED - Herbs system. From now on the hidden effects don't use buff slots (Like L2OFF). FIXED - CP won't disappear if character killed by monster. FIXED - The Summoner couldn't see the received damage to pet when attacker used a skill. Now it shows the damage by hit/skill. FIXED - Skill 'Strong Type' (HP Increase - in monster HP bar), now Manor should work ok. Aso, the chance of harvest was corrected (Like L2OFF). SKILLS: FIXED - Skill: Corpse Burst Skill. It must have the same damage as Death Spike (Like L2OFF). FIXED - Skill: Dodge. Some types of skill were missing. It did not block on a melee attack (Like L2OFF). FIXED - Skill Horror. It had too low chance before (Like L2OFF). FIXED - Skills: Force curse, Curse of Shade and Mass Curse of Shade. All had wrong chance (Pet skills) (Like L2OFF). QUESTS: FIXED - Coin of Magic: Items drop (Like L2OFF). FIXED - The Zero Hour: Reward items (Like L2OFF). FIXED - Vanquish Remnants: Drop chance (Like L2OFF). FIXED - The Guard is Busy: Removed getting Soulshots every time player take a reward (Like L2OFF). FIXED - Chains of Slavery: Removed getting Soulshots every time player take a reward (Like L2OFF). FIXED - The Hidden Veins: Removed getting Soulshots every time player take a reward (Like L2OFF). FIXED - Trial of the Challenger: Added despawn time for NPC: β€žChest Of Shyslassysβ€œ and β€œChampion Raldoβ€œ (Like L2OFF). FIXED - Invaders of the Holy Land: Removed getting Soulshots every time player take a reward (Like L2OFF). FIXED - Hunt the Orcs: Removed getting Soulshots every time player take a reward (Like L2OFF). FIXED - Issue with debuffs from monster in quest "Saga of the Sword Muse" on third Tablet Of Vision (Like L2OFF). FIXED - Issue with debuffs from monster in quest "Saga of Spectral Dancer" on third Tablet Of Vision (Like L2OFF). FIXED - Issue with debuffs from monster in quest "Saga of Shillien Saint" on third Tablet Of Vision (Like L2OFF). FIXED - Part of Quest Fate's Whisper, now only top B grade weapons is needed to finish quest (Like L2OFF). UPGRADES UPGRADED - Geodata engine. A lot of geodata issues were fixed or updated. Mostly related to smoother movements. ADDONS ADDED - New Raid Curse system. No more unnecessary support around low level bosses. ADDED - A new config for automatic fish shots. ADDED - A new config for buffs selling: MP consume (Selling buffs system). Also, a new updated appearance with MP and option to choose PET.
  7. Vilmis

    Olympic system problem

    olympiad.ini at the bottom: # Like L2OFF, True means month. False - 1 Week and changes on Sunday midnight. RetailOlympiad = False
  8. Vilmis

    Auto farm

    All good. I appreciate that you make the posts about bugs. Topic locked.
  9. Vilmis

    Bug acumen

    All good. I appreciate that you make the posts about bugs. Topic locked.
  10. Vilmis

    Bug acumen

    Where the heck you was testing in? :))) This character doesn't exist at my test server database... I asked to test same bug in MY TEST SERVER. Not just run your local server on default settings.
  11. Vilmis

    Auto farm

    Farm's system attacking and simple attacking don't make any change. Those use same mode. It's not farm fault. Check this farm system on the test server as well. Did you try to hit those mobs without farm mode on? It might be the same issue.
  12. Vilmis

    Bug acumen

    Can you check this β€žbugβ€œ on the test server? That's not critical bug, because it's more like a visual bug, but I couldn't make it working on test server. I'm getting to conclusion that your Interface makes this or you don't have the latest server files. P.S. Don't leave your old post behind. I'm waiting for the answer.
  13. Vilmis

    Auto farm

    To be honest I've watched a few times and I really did not understand where is the problem except something about no damage to mob, but nothing about stop/stuck etc. It's different video than you said before about your problem. So, what's the real problem you're facing with? Also, I saw your character was still attacking after turning farm off. Can be that you're mixing 2 different farm types? 1 from Interface and another Orion's farm system?
  14. Vilmis

    Auto farm

    Hello, Yeah video would be better, because it might be you're doing something wrong.
  15. Probably you tried to mix the update files when latest server pack is updated fully.
