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Orion Project - Server Files

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Changeset #30 | Revision #1087

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  • CORRECTED - Movement on bow attack (Like L2OFF).
  • CORRECTED - Quest: Fate Whisper (Like L2OFF).
  • CORRECTED - Quest: Seekers Of The Holy Grail (Like L2OFF).
  • CORRECTED - A few creatures spawn location (Like L2OFF).
  • ADDED - Missing drop itemΒ forΒ Dark Choir Captain (Like L2OFF).


  • UPGRADED - Admin command: //reload. Added new reload features: class damages (for class balance),Β  achievements, skins andΒ faenor.
  • UPGRADED - Castles sieges. Improved performance, decreased CPU usage and fixed a few more issues.
  • UPGRADED - Geo engine stability and performance.
  • UPGRADED - Spawn/Teleport protection. Fixed some important issues.
  • UPGRADED - Dressme / Skins system:
    • ADDED - Shield skins.
    • ADDED - β€žBuy allβ€œ action for each type of skin (package's settings is in xml file).
    • ADDED - β€žDeleteβ€œ skin permanently.
    • ADDED - 2 new configs:Β AllowBuyTryWithoutWeapon andΒ AllowBuyTryWithoutShield.
    • ADDED - Confirmation for Buy all and Delete.
    • CHANGED - System removes skin if you try to change weapon <->Β shield.
  • UPGRADED - Command. menu. Also, added more settings like shots / spiritshots effectΒ  and pvp / pk announcements -Β  on /off.


  • ADDED - New Rebirth System. (Big thanks to
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    Β He paid for this new feature and allowed to share with you, guys)
  • Shot00000.jpgShot00002.jpgShot00003.jpg


  • IMPROVED - Server core performance and stability (database connections, code cleanΒ up/corrections).


  • UPDATED - Server pack LIBS folder jar files (several most important).
  • UPDATED - MySQL connection. From now server works with MySQL 5.x - 8.x versions without any issue.
  • Like 4
  • Thanks 1

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