For a few days, I had a player on my server that is not satisfied by the Raid Boss drop on my server. The current item drop for Raid Boss is set to 3x . He does not believe me, he says is 1x and used Pmfun, l2jru and other sources to compare drops. As far as I know, these sources' databases are not Interlude database drop, but for a newer Chronic version of Lineage 2. The only website I found with Interlude drop is this one https://l2.wiki/interlude/ . According to this site, my Raid Boss drop rate is accurate with 3x. I will add some screens for this.
The player asked me to post a topic here and ask you guys if there is a problem because he did many raid bosses and they barely give full drops or items at all. In his screenshot, you see he killed a raid boss with 6 levels lower than his level and got only 9 bow parts. In my opinion because of the factor of higher level variable and i think the drop is correct.
Please offer me a reply all is ok because he still insists the server is 1x when is not and that there may be a problem with the datapack. I have 3x from the day 1 server was live. He also compares this server with others that he says are 3x and give many drops. I told him this server drop is from official Interlude files.
I repeat, from my part, L2jOrion data pack is ok and has no problems. Just need confirmation from the developers. Thank you in advance!