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Posts posted by l235

  1. Hello, I found a couple of errors, maybe you know how to fix them or you will do it in the next updates

    1. Antharas does not restore mana at all, hp regeneration does not increase by 50 and 25% hp

    2. Valakas Mp regen works properly, but hp still doesn't regenerate at all.

    . 3. Benom, during a physical attack, endlessly throws soe but nothing happens, I even tried to remove this skill for him, but he still uses it

    4. All 4 raid bosses on the quest for 4 gobles have the status of a quest monster and the drop setting on them acts like a monster, although they should be like RB, if you change the status at the base to a raid boss, the quest stops working

    5.Frintezza does not give a debuff in which the character in the camp dances.

    6.Problem with geodata in the catacombs, if you gather a crowd and stand in the place shown in the picture, then you will stop seeing monsters, it all depends on what angle you are standing atΒ 

    • Thanks 1
  2. Lag?

    I understand, I think that vilmis will solve this problem as soon as possible because vilmis is a person who does her job well

  3. Lag?

    hello, for a smooth server experience, I recommend 4gb ram and above and additionally I recommend having vds instead of vps

  4. My html knowledge is not very good, how can I activate this code, I can make customizations on the community screen, but how can I run it exactly?

  5. You must be signed in to view the link content in this post. Please Sign In or Sign Up.
    Β hi broΒ I want it to appear on the community screen

  6. hello, I am getting the error in the picture in the loginserver client. I'm writing the loginserver and gameserver client details. Can anyone help with the issue? note: There is no problem. The clients are running fine but this might trigger something.

    LoginServer network/

    # This is transmitted to the clients connecting from an external network, so it has to be a public IP or resolvable hostname
    ExternalHostname = xxxx.servegame.com

    # This is transmitted to the client from the same network, so it has to be a local IP or resolvable hostname
    InternalHostname = xxxx.servegame.com

    # Bind ip of the loginServer, use * to bind on all available IPs
    LoginserverHostname = *
    LoginserverPort = 2106

    # How many times you can provide an invalid account/pass before the IP gets banned
    LoginTryBeforeBan = 20

    # Time you won't be able to login back again after LoginTryBeforeBan tries to login. Provide a value in seconds. Default 10min. (600) Β 
    LoginBlockAfterBan = 600
    GMMinLevel = 100

    # The address on which login will listen for GameServers, use * to bind on all available IPs Β 
    LoginHostname = xxx.servegame.com

    # The port on which login will listen for GameServers
    LoginPort = 9014

    # If set to True any GameServer can register on your login's free slots
    AcceptNewGameServer = False

    # If False, the licence (after the login) will not be shown
    # It is highly recomended for Account Seciurity to leave this option as defalut (True)
    ShowLicence = True

    # Database info
    Driver = Β com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/

    # Parameters Databases - MYSQL
    # Login - Mysql's user
    Login = root
    # Password - Mysql's Password
    Password = ------
    # maximum number of simultaneous connecting to the database
    MaximumDbConnections = 1000

    # Default: 0
    MaximumDbIdleTime = 0

    # Including protection from flood
    # IMPORTANT: Put True for server security.
    EnableFloodProtection = False
    # Limit fast connections (input username / password)
    FastConnectionLimit = 15
    # Time of the normal connection (in ms)
    NormalConnectionTime = 700
    # Time fast connection (in ms)
    FastConnectionTime = 350
    # Maximum connections with the 1st IP
    MaxConnectionPerIP = 50

    # The lifetime of the session with the login server.Β 
    SessionTTL = 25000
    MaxSessions = 100

    # Choose the option: "true", to create an account when logging in automatically
    AutoCreateAccounts = False

    # The configuration of the local subnet
    # Example : 192.168
    # Ppimer : 10.1
    NetworkList = 192.168.;10.0.

    # ===============================================================
    # Test server configuration, not to switch on the game server! Β =
    # ===============================================================
    # Use the GG client authentication
    # Login server access let the client without GameGuard
    ForceGGAuth = False

    # =============================================================
    # Anti Bruteforce protection.
    # =============================================================
    #Count of trying connection to server, after which will be made checking IP addres
    #for a possible BrutForce
    #Reducing this value will increase the likelihood of false positives
    #Increasing this value will reduce the effectiveness of security (more chance find passwords for large accounts)
    BrutLogonAttempts = 15
    #The average time (in seconds) between attempts to connect to the server
    #Reducing this value will increase the likelihood of false positives
    #Increasing this value will reduce the effectiveness of security (more chance find passwords for large accounts)
    BrutAvgTime = 30
    #Number of second, for ban IP address, who time BrutAvgTime less specified
    #900 second = 15 minuteΒ 
    BrutBanIpTime = 1

    # =============================================================
    # Debugging packets
    # =============================================================
    DebugPackets = False


    Gameserver Network

    # Enter here (ip) address of your game server, or use the symbol *
    GameserverHostname = xxxx.servegame.com
    GameserverPort = 7777

    # Configure your external ip
    ExternalHostname = xxxx.servegame.com

    # Configure your internal ip
    InternalHostname = xxxx.servegame.com

    # Bunch ID and game server. It is better not to change.
    LoginPort = 9014
    LoginHost = xxxx.servegame.com

    # Parameters Databases - MYSQL
    Driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/

    # Database name
    GameserverDB = ----
    LoginserverDB = -----

    # Login - Mysql's user
    Login = root
    # Password - Mysql's Password
    Password = ------
    # Attention: lazy init connections disabled!
    # Please, set only real values for your database
    # Default: 100
    MaximumDbConnections = 1000

    # Default: 0
    MaximumDbIdleTime = 0

    # The timeout before the single connection must be closed (in ms)
    # 0 - off
    SingleConnectionTimeOutDb = 1000

    # Setting emulation off the kernel (package SendStatus)
    RemoteWhoLog = False
    RemoteWhoSendTrash = False
    RemoteWhoMaxOnline = 329
    RemoteOnlineIncrement = 50
    RemoteWhoForceInc = 50
    RemotePrivStoreFactor = 12

    # Datapack folder
    # To exacute the server under debugger with eclipse use:
    # or point the folder directly to your server.
    DatapackRoot = .

