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Orion Project - Server Files


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/13/20 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Bug fixes FIXED - Treasure Chest's movement bug. FIXED - Quest: Path To Scavenger issue. FIXED - Quest: Magical Power Of Water Part 2 issue. FIXED - Over Hit issue. FIXED - Town War Event peaceful zone issue. Optimization REWORKED - Quest engine and fixed some small issue by L2Off info. Corrections CORRECTED - Simple and spoiled monster decay time by L2Off. Addons ADDED - New player's command: .dressme ADDED - A new option to config: ShowNpcCrest = True/False, only in towns if castle has a lord. ADDED - A new option to config: SiegeDelay = 14, Siege Delay by default is 14 days (2 weeks) like L2off.
